
Bonnie & Clyde Ghost Tours

The Legends of Bonnie & Clyde Ghost Tours

Mademoiselle & Co. Presents the upcoming "Bonnie & Clyde Ghost Tours" in Dallas, Texas.

These exciting tours features never before heard tales of the areas that the Barrows lived and frequented. 

"Bonnie & Clyde Ghost Tours & Legends of Dallas, Texas

Tunnels of the Irving Viaducts that Bonnie Parker wrote of could be the haunted hideouts of the Ghosts of Bonnie & Clyde.

I had many paranormal occurrences in the areas in 2002 that led me to the neighborhood of Hickory Street.

I had been visiting my Mother in Dallas during that time, I explained to her that something had prompted me to drive there several times, but there was nothing there. She then told me that is where my grandmother, Lizzie Quick had lived. 

Lizzie Quick's Hickory House, ghostly sightings in the old Dallas, Texas neighborhoods on the steps of the land...

Haunted Places in Dallas, Texas - Ghost Tours

Coming Soon!

The Ghost Tours of Bonnie & Clyde, Dallas, Texas

Other Ghostly Tales-

The Ghost of Hank Williams Sr. has been spotted for years throughout the highways of the USA by hitchhikers, travelers, truck drivers and traveling musicians.

Mademoiselle has startling new information that Hank and his Mother, Lillie may have witnessed a UFO while driving at night on Highway I-65 approaching Montgomery, Alabama which may have prompted the singer to write, "I Saw the Light".

Many writers have suggested that the light was actually coming from the Montgomery Airport, or even from the top of the Jefferson Davis Hotel, a Beacon for the then Radio Station that Hank broadcasted from for 10 years. 

The Hotel and the Lounge that was then, the "Elite Cafe'" where Hank conducted his last performance. 

The fact that Hank's Mother, Lillie most always toured with him along with the other band members has shed new revelations of suspicions as to why Hank was only with the 18-year-old Chauffeur, supposedly in route to his shows.

"Possible Ambush"

They had stopped at a motel where a doctor was said to have medicated him, when the Chauffeur took Hank Sr. to the car, he then began to drive the wrong way on the Highway, then was stopped by Police and taken into the station where he paid a fine, Hank Sr. was still in the vehicle.

What could have disturbed the driver so badly for him to have gone the wrong way is the question, he apparently was confused or upset about something. 

With Hank Sr. being ill, they should have canceled the shows and brought him home to Montgomery. The routes that the Chauffeur took to Virginia are most mysterious and had many sightings of UFOs. 

"Billion Dollar Abduction, Jett Williams"

Hank had just signed legal documents to adopt his daughter, Jett Williams, Jett's Mother, Bobbie Jett had lived with Lillie Williams and the new baby was adopted by Lillie, right after the adoption, Lillie passed, the State of Alabama seized the Child, knowing who she was, yet they placed her in custody of the State, all very corrupt, an actual State Organized kidnapping of an heiress.

Could the Ghost of Hank be haunting Montgomery, Alabama over what happened to his daughter? 

"Musicians & Ghostly Tales of Hank's Ghost"

David Allan Coe's song, "The Ride" tells of a Hitchhiker that takes a ride with the Ghost of Hank Williams Sr. in an antique Cadillac.

"The Ride" 

Allan Jackson's song, "Midnight In Montgomery" tells of a New Year's Eve visit at the Montgomery Cemetery where he sees the Ghost of Hank Sr.

The items of Hank can be seen at the Hank Williams Museum in Montgomery, Alabama.

Ghost Tours Coming Soon!

Ghosts, Pirates & Legends

Does Bonnie & Clyde's travels across the nation have some secrets connected to the New York Stork Club owner who was from Oklahoma?

Join our conversation chat about the 'Appalachian Moon' characters to understand what may have been going on within these groups of celebrities. 

Link- "Appalachian Moon"